Tuesday, December 20, 2011

As Noken Lathe Motor Bikin kenceng?

bubut_noken_as_picture_jpgOne usual way to make the motor performance of the motor kenceng add alias is to do Papas Noken Noken or lathe. With the changing patterns, angles, & high Noken then the function is open - closing the intake and exhaust valves can be arranged to suit the desired time. Then passed him by or lathe Noken we can alter the motor performance significantly.

Noken or camshaft is indeed one of the secrets korekan 4tak motor. However, it must be understood first base of the machine and its philosophy of why to we have to perform a custom Noken of a machine.

Noken as a regulator of the supply of fuel into the combustion chamber, certainly in the combustion chamber will we meet the terms of compression ratio, piston diameter, stroke, maen rpm brp and diameter of the valve or valves. Meng-custom home Noken not play grinding here and there. How much lift and duration is closely associated with the compression ratio, diameter of the pistons, valves, ported and need to be considered will also use the carburetor berventuri how. Not to forget this machine will play in the circuit is like.

Noken boost power can indeed be a more powerful motor that's true ... But it must also note, if the engine does need more. However, if the machine was already feeling enough, then your custom .. So what happens instead of an increase in power, even power reduction ...

One more thing to consider is the impact we also use. The purpose of the use of impact here, Noken will erode the zero-point range as a result of so many milli. Wear and tear is made worse if you use a valve is too loud, and who bad oil quality. But as long as good quality oil and a valve is not too hard (except for ato drag race event) then, Noken maintained durability.

Finally all the promo gpp dong ... HKU Racing is now producing custom Noken racing and is available in 2 types. The first bags half-baked, where the profile is still super fat bags specifically for mechanics who want to mix your own. The second product is ready Noken used, where the buyer can directly attach to the motor garapannya. To Noken latter type of course I will ask for the data engine first, such as the diameter of the piston, valve diameter, stroke, etc..

Ok brows .. (Mean bro-bro) so now do not ya want to keep horny Noken lathe before you understand and kenalin machine first. If it was done then how custom you need to be seen.

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